Split Page Book, Singing Book

Specialist Books - Case Study

The Psalms For Singing Book

Split Page Book

From the outside, this looks like a straight forward A5 case bound book. However, once you open it up you can see that the bookblock is split into two with the top third opening independently of the bottom two thirds. The two parts had to be separated with a small gap to ensure the pages from one didn’t catch on the other during use. The book was printed and bound to create one bookblock which was then cut down into the two parts. These were then hand-fed through our back-lining machine to create a single bookblock – from here the job could be treated as any other case-bound book.

From You

‘Everyone was really pleased with the photo book.  Thanks for all your help.’

Donna Abbott, DXG Media

Parkgate Close, Bredbury Parkway, Bredbury, Stockport, Cheshire, SK6 2SZ

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